sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015


Hello :-( And now....the last game!!! :-(((( 

#quesejuege is ending....

For the last game, we dind´t  know the game that we could played with children. As a consequence, I asked for help and @PabloSotoca , a teacher, gave me this game that is called "Click-Back" and it has been a success! Thanks, Pablo :-) 

"Click-Back" is a traditional game in wich children have to be in position "Click-Back" (they have to be squatting) . The children are separated and one in the middle have to catch one of his/her classmate when the referee say the form in wich they have to run. For example: running like Rayo Macqueen, running and jumping like a frog....

It´s an special game since it has been the last of this lovely project!!! #QUESEJUEGUE

Finally, I would like to say THAKS to my teacher, @Gloriaherrero, since she has allowed us to live this fantastic experiencie! For that reason, I want to post some pictures with our children in the school, their medals and all the  moment that will always be remenbered! :-) 


"La posición de los números"

Hello, what´s up?

One of the last games that we played is called "La posición de los números".  It´s a creative and imaginative game in wich the referee will say a number and the children have to represent the form of this number with their body.

One thing that is fantastic in this game is that our boys/girls have a lot of imagination and they haven´t got limits. Moreover, they learn numbers in english :-)

"La silla invisible"

Hiiiii ;-)

Our last cooperative game is called "La silla invisible". In this game, children are on pairs and their objective is take the ball that is in the end of the circuit. 
They have two chairs and they have to think about wich is the best form to win the ball. But...what happen? One person of the pair have to be always on the chair and he/she can´t touch the floor.

This game is difficult for our children so, we will help them!

In this video, there is an example of one way to win the ball!!!

"Las bolas gigantes"

Good afternoon!! 

The last day that we were with our children we enjoyed a lot. This game is called "Las bolas gigantes" and we have created it since we know that children LOVE BIG BALLS.

It´s a competitive game in wich is necessary to be concentrated since.. At first,  the game is easy because children have to take the balls to a goal, but the second part of the game is.....DIFFICULT.
They have to come back in a different way. For instance: two claps, moving the head, dancing, jumping with one leg... 

As a consequence, they have to be very concentrated!!!!  We chose this game for the last day because of their love for this balls.

Here, a video :

"Las farolas parlantes"

The last game that we played with our little children was "Las farolas parlantes" a coopertive game that was very successful beacuse the children laught a lot beacuse of word that they had to use.

"Las farolas parlantes" is a game in wich there is one boy/girl that has closed and covered eyes. He has to get to his mother and some talkative streetlights will  indicate him/ her the road. The most funniest thing in this game is streetlights will say right or left. For say right, the keyword is "APARCAO" and for say left, the keyword is "UOMAH"

Will the boy get his objective? Will he arrive to his mum?

"Animalito Animalito"

We had prepared a lot of games for the project #quesejuegue, and the game (number five) that we played is called "Animalito, animalito"

We´re using animals (in english) in many games beacuse of it importance in childrens´learning. It´s a game of agility in wich children have to pay attention and run very fast!!!!  

In this game, boys and girls are sitting in a circle, and one of us will choose one of them and will ask him/her one animal. The child will say his/her prefer animal and he/she will start running around the circle saying different animals at the same time he/she is touching the heads of the rest. When he/she say his animal in the head of one children that are sitting, this boy or girl will has to run after to his classmate to cath him/her in order to prevent it from reaching its corresponding site.

I love seeing children nervous if someone touch their heads!!!

I know that is a little difficult to understand this game. For this reason, I have posted an example! :-)

"Los cuatro elementos de la naturaleza"

"Los cuatros elementos de la naturaleza"  is the name of our fourth game.

We can consider this game as a didactic game. 

First of all, the children will be in a circle and in the middle there will be a child with a red ball that represents the nature. This boy/girl will start counting and the others will move away. Then, the person in the middle will pass the ball to another boy/girl who will have to answer saying an animal of this place of the Earth that the boy in the middle asked him/her

To understand it better, you should see this video in wich my group and I recorded an example : 

"¡A casa, a casa!"

Our third game with the kids is called "A casa, a casa"

What is that? asked one girl. We answered her that it was a cooperative game in wich she and her classmate would have a good time.

The children have to pay attention since when they hear "A casa", they have to find a partner and a house. The action is always repeating but the difficult thing is that is totally forbidden to repeat partner or houseSo.....you should be fast!!!

"Los monos amorosos"

Hi guys!!

The second game that we played is called "Los monos amorosos". It´s a traditional game that all of us played in our childhood.

In this game, one of the children is a hunter who have to hunt monkeys that are in the jungle. When the hunter catch one of them, the monkey is taken to a cage. But the most entertaining thing in this game is that, THE REST MONKEYS CAN SAVE THE CAGED MONKEY KISSING IT HAND :-)

We have enjoyed a lot seeing the nervous children since they don´t want to be catched and they want to save their classmate!!! 

Here, there is a video:

"La Selva Saltarina"


I´m here again since I want to show you the first game that my group and I (In-Perfection) chose to play with the kids the first day. 

This game is called "La selva saltarina" wich is a competitive and hability game

In this game, the children have to imagine that they are in a forest and their objective is to find their mothers. They will have to pass through the forest where there is a river full of crocodiles, there will be massive stones etc. They´ll use some objects and must be very careful.

Here, I have posted an example of the game.