lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016


Breaking myths? What is that? In this post, my mission is to show you that sport is not just for men, since women are also there.
Thanks to them, the sports are enhanced and we are countries known in the sports world as they are the winners of many awards, records and Championships. 

As a consequence, I would like to break myths about women, in this case, in crossfit. Many are those who practice this activity and in many cases, they are amazing. Let's start!!!

1. The first video that I saw was about a girl with 17 years- old and I gasped. 
In the video, the girl is training and she does several exercises. Highlights of this great athlete its precision, the perfect execution of their movements, its ability to lift so much weight

After watching this video, I wonder: crossfit is really only for men? and... Is crossfit really only for adults? Here´s the answer: 

Now, I'd like to you see the interview with Annie ThorisDottir, a great sportswoman, the Crossfit Games champion and named twice fittest woman on Earth. I was delighted to read her answers and her advices

Annie talks about training women in crossfit, the differences between being thin and toned, constancy to achieve our objectives...

Once again, I show that crossfit is also a thing of women. Women who succeed, that stand out, that mark the course of sport :-) 

Why when we see a woman with worked and muscular body we say that it has a man's body? 
As always, false prototypes of the society.

I can say out loud that I love bodies "" "man" "" in a woman. I love them.  
Here, I give my opinion and think that there is no difference between a male body with muscles and a female body with muscles. Both sexes have worked tehir body and that is their result.

It is true that it is more common to see "musculitos" but... why? The answer is clear. Unfortunately, the woman began in the sport after the men and perhaps for this reason, it is rare.
For me, is just a perfect excuse for closed minds.

Although her sport is not crossfit, I has always liked the swimmer Mireia Belmonte. 
I know about her that, at the beginning, when his coach told her  that she had had to change physically, she refused. But she did it and now and she is proud of her body. She looks in the mirror and she loves it.

To sum up,  I would say that see those videos and read pages helped me to clarify my ideas, learn more and of course to give importance to women in sport since it´s necessary. 

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